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"What in the World?"

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Empowering Christians to Engage the Culture War

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom."

2 Corinthians 3:17

Resources (click on links below)


1.  #RIGHTtheWAY - Biblical Worldview Core Values.
    For example...

  • Human life is special. God made human beings in His image, said that life begins at conception, and instructed us not to kill each other. Jesus promised harsh treatment for those who harmed children. (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139, Exodus 20, Luke 17:2)

  • God created us male and female. Enough said. (Genesis 1:27)


  • God—and not the State—defines the institution of marriage.
    For the last bazillion years, every civilization in every country on earth has recognized marriage as between one man and one woman. A reconfiguring of marriage is not sustainable.  (Genesis 2:24, Hebrews 13:4, Matthew 19:2-9)


  • The traditional family unit is designed for our benefit. God designed women to protect and care for children, and men to protect and care for both. The purpose of marriage is to make godly offspring. Disrupting the family unit leaves us isolated and vulnerable. (Exodus 20:12, Psalm 188:2, Psalm 68:5, Proverbs 18:22)


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3. WHAT IN THE WORLD? Blog and podcast: click HERE.


4. Additional PODCASTS:

  • Happening Now podcast with Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk
    Discussing the Great Reset plans by the global elites


  • God > Government (45-minute interview by Jim Stroud)


Speak about social issues with confidence that you are following the guidelines


6.  BOOKS:

  • "Would God Really Send Someone to Hell?" by Amy Travis  NEW!
    Addresses misunderstandings and questions such as...

    • "God wouldn't send anyone to Hell" (Chapter 1)

    • "Most people are good" (Chapter 2)

    • "I attend church, so I'm going to Heaven (Chapter 3)

    • Does someone go to Hell if they commit suicide? (Chapter 5)

    • and much more​

  • "The Pursuit of Liberty: Protecting our God-given Rights" by Amy Travis
    Explore the Biblical worldview and historical context of key social issues:

    • The frailty of freedom (Chapter 1)

    • Protecting the traditional family (Chapter 2)

    • Clarifying the abortion debate (Chapter 3)

    • The rise of transgenderism  (Chapter 4)      

    • The threat of socialism (Chapter 5)

    • The truth about capitalism (Chapter 6)

    • The real systemic racism (Chapter 7)

    • Exposing the social justice movement (Chapter 8)

  • "Why do Bad Things Happen" by Amy Travis
    (Booklet) Part 1 of the Why, God? series

    • The reasons why (Chapter 1)

    • The purpose of pain (Chapter 2)

    • The choice is yours (Chapter 3)​

  • "You Can Visit but You Can’t Live There: Keys to Living Free from Fear"
    by Amy Travis
    Learn how to:

    • Build Resiliency

    • Combat fear

    • Tackle guilt

    • Limit anxiety

  • "Through the Lens of Love & Truth: A Look at Christian Conservatism"
    by Amy Travis and Tammy Summers
    Learn how to defend the Biblical worldview (Apologetics) 

    • Defend Creation

    • Explain why—if God is good—do bad things happen

    • Talk about why the traditional family is so important

    • Debunk the idea that all religions lead to Heaven

    • Explain your position on the abortion debate

    • Tell the Truth about Love

    • Discuss Current Events relative to Biblical Prophecy 

    • and much more


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